Rose Wallace Ceramics


“Plane Sailing”



“In modern society, we buy so much but value so little. My ceramics aim to re-evaluate and challenge the notions of consumerism and ownership.


The discarded object, whether it be a vintage domestic item, a mudlarked find loaded with meaning, even a piece of plastic packaging are all relevant to my process; to make comment on mass consumerism within contemporary society. I employ the found object by first casting it to make a press mould. My Flatbacks narratives can be a time consuming process, made of anything up to fifty separate elements using Creamware, press moulded, animated and joined at the leather-hard stage.To reinforce the language of the past, I make my own lead-rich glazes from a traditional formula with high bisque, low glost firing. More recently, in addition to creating purely ceramic pieces, I have been drawn to making ceramic narratives which encompass the original object. I believe this loads the artwork with wider questions relating to consumerism with notions of authenticity status and ownership.

Ceramic upon Victorian vintage wooden plane made by J. Watson, Leeds (Stamped) belonged to Carpenter, W. Dalby (impressed) wall hung. Depicts a woman in a free-spirited pose.

Measurements: H: 18 W: 24 D: 7 cms

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